May 31, 2016

From Plan to Action: Combating Ageism to Achieve Healthy Ageing

The World Health Organization (WHO) launched the World Report on Ageing and Health in October 2015. The WHO Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health (GSAP) is expected to be adopted during the 69th World Health Assembly in May 2016. A fundamental step in fostering healthy ageing is to combat ageism by changing societal beliefs and attitudes.

Apr 18, 2016

The handbook Elder Abuse, Context and Theory in online

The handbook ‘Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania’ explores the topic of elder abuse from the perspective of four countries, Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania. The book represents one of a number of resources being developed as part of an Erasmus Plus funded project called Socio-Drama Tackling Ageism, Preventing Abuse (S.T.Age). ‘Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania’, provides an overview of elder abuse from the perspective of the four countries....

Mar 14, 2016

YearsAhead – Ageism is UNACCEPTABLE

Share a photo that presents a positive image of ageing - one that reflects most people's experience and signals the way we all want to live life as we age! If you are an older person: submit a photo of yourself celebrating that you are #YearsAhead.

Feb 02, 2016

On line the project leaflet

Online the leaflet of the project. Easy to print and share!

Jan 20, 2016

Work in progress

WS1 is ongoing… Partners are researching scope, characteristics and risk factors of elder abuse in institutions in the different partner countries, to set theoretical background underlying the approach taken in the project.