Apr 18, 2016

Booklets and reports

Project reports

Handbook for trainers

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Italian version
Finnish version

The handbook ‘Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania’ explores the topic of elder abuse from the perspective of four countries, Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania. The book represents one of a number of resources being developed as part of an Erasmus Plus funded project called Socio-Drama Tackling Ageism, Preventing Abuse (S.T.Age).

‘Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania’, provides an overview of elder abuse from the perspective of the four countries. It explores theories associated with elder abuse and how they inform policy and responses within the four countries. The theoretical background underlying generational intelligence, the approach taken in the project, will be discussed.

The book concludes by outlining the value of sociodrama as a medium for addressing social issues. The aim of the book is to set the context and inform the development of the Respect to Prevent – Education and Training Handbook. The Respect to Prevent education and training resource will develop a series of workshops to inform and engage older people in residential care settings and care staff. For older people, the aim of the workshop will be to engage them in embracing and activating their human rights, nurturing their confidence to report their concerns. For care staff the focus of the workshops will be on building empathy, addressing ageism and promoting self-care. The Respect to Prevent Handbook will outline the methodology developed and provide step by step guidance on how to implement the workshops.

Download the handbook “Elder Abuse, Context and Theory – Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania”
