Archive for June, 2016

Jun 30, 2016

SAVE THE DATE – STAGE International Conference – Monday 7th November 2016

Elder abuse, Ageism and Human Rights: Innovative Approaches Monday 7th November 2016, 9.30am— 4pm Smock Alley , 6/7 Exchange Street Lower, Temple Bar, Dublin 8

Jun 16, 2016

Concorso fotografico/letterario “L’età che vale: il valore dei diritti e della tutela”

Questo è il titolo del concorso fotografico/letterario che lancia Anziani e non solo in occasione della giornata mondiale dell’anziano vittima di abusi, istituita il 2006 dalla Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità. Leggi la scheda e scopri come partecipare.

Jun 15, 2016

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016 – EU Joint conference

Fighting elder abuse in care services: a matter of rights! Too many older persons suffer abuse and neglect across Europe and worldwide in health and long-term care services. Raising awareness of this widespread reality is necessary to give a voice to victims of abuse who remain most of the time invisible. To mark the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, ENNHRI (European Network of Human Rights Institutions) and AGE Platform Europe are co-organising a...